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The III International Goedicke Organ Competition
September 6-14, 2013
The competition founder:
Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Competition partners:
State academic chapel of St. Petersburg
Art-Assembly (Chapel Taurian) St. Petersburg
State Omsk philharmonic society
Perm regional philharmonic society
Art-school “Master-class”
Notorious musicians, both performers and pedagogues from all over the world are invited to the Jury of the Competition.
This year the Jury consists of:
Chairman – Natalia Goureeva-Vedernikova (Russia)
Rubin Abdoullin (Russia)
Raul Prieto-Ramirez (Spain)
Ulrich Walther (Germany/Austria)
Marina Tchebourkina (Russia/France)
Sergej Tcherepanov (Russia/Germany)
Dmitriy Dianov (Russia)
Aims of the Competition
To encourage young people to play wind and percussion instruments
To search for the most talented young musicians, to support and stimulate their professional skill
To provide conditions for artistic cultural exchange, to enhance the artistic development and to improve professional skills of the participants of the Competition
To develop national music education programs
To attract more public attention to music for winds and percussion and performers of this music
the competition is open to contestants of all nationalities born after January, 1, 1978.
the dead-line for submission of the applications is July, 15st 2013
the filled out application form (in .doc format) must be supplemented with the following scanned documents:
— a copy of passport or any other ID-card (the pages with photograph and personal signature are required)
— document or diploma confirming contestant’s musical education level
— a certificate from the employer (for employed) or from the educational institution (for students) confirming the employment/studies
— curriculum vitae including date and place of birth, educational institution (actual or graduated), years of studies, teachers, previous competitions (year, country, city and award), any other important information
— one recommendation from the educational institution (high school, college etc.) or two recommendations from renowned musicians
— one digital photo – not less than 2Mb by size (300 dpi) of portrait-type made in an artistic way
— a receipt of payment of the entrance fee
— a permission for processing of personal data (a scanned document written in a free mode with personal signature required)
all the documents and photos should be sent by e-mail to art-department@mail.ru
Not later than August, 1st 2013 all the contestants allowed to the I Round of the Competition will be officially informed about the admission to the Competition and the required date of arrival
no changes to the program indicated in the application form are allowed
entrance fee, non-refundable under any circumstances, is
— 2000 (two thousand) rubles of RF for applicants from Russia
— 50 (fifty) Euros for applicants from abroad
The Bank account details
The entrance fee must be paid to:
Correspondent bank of Sber bank of SWIFT:
The Bank of New York USA IRVT US 3N 890-0057-610
SWIFT: Sber Bank of the Russian Federation. Donskoe branch 7813 Moscow Russia SABR RU MM
Branch address — ul Bolshaya Yakimanka 18
Beneficiary Customer: Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
125009 Moscow Bolshaya Nikitskaya 13 Russia
INN 7703107663
(Purpose of the payment: The Third International Goedicke Organ Competition)
For payment in USD: ACCOUNT 40503840438110200266
For payment in EURO: ACCOUNT 40503978538111000266
I Round (The organ of the Small Hall)
One of the following compositions:
D. Buxtehude
Toccata in e BuxWV 142
Toccata in F BuxWV 156
V. Lübeck
Praeludium in d minor LubWV 11
Praeludium in g minor LubWV 12
One of the Trio-sonatas by J. S. Bach BWV 526-530 (except Es-dur)
One of the following compositions:
F. Mendelssohn Prelude and fugue g minor
J. Brahms Prelude and fugue с minor
G. Catoire Prelude and fugue op.25
(published on www.imslp.org)
II Round (The organ of the Small Hall)
Two parts from Suite du Deuxième Ton by L.-N. Clerambault (at participant’s choice)
One of the following compositions by J. S. Bach:
Prelude and fugue D major BWV 532
Prelude and fugue G major BWV 541
Toccata and fugue E-dur BWV 566
One of the following compositions:
J. Reubke Sonata
F. Liszt Fantasy and fugue on the chorale Ad nos ad salutarem undam
One of the following compositions:
L. Janáček Postludium (Download PDF)
P. Eben Moto ostinato (from Nedělní Hudba)
III Round (The organ of the Small Hall)
A free chosen program for 25-30 minutes (it is not allowed to perform own works, transcriptions and works which have already been performed during the previous Rounds).
The commissioned work (to be published on the official web-site of the Moscow conservatory as well as on the competition homepage (www.moscoworgancompetition.ru) two weeks before competition starts).
A. Goedicke The First movement or the Second and Third movements from the Concerto for organ and string orchestra (the organ part is available here, the complete score can be sent to the participant after the request by e-mail)
The procedure
The participants should arrive in Moscow according to the dates indicated in the official notification issued by the Organizing committee.
The auditions consist of three rounds and are held publicly in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. No compositions can be performed more than in one round.
The order of the performances will be defined by drawing of lots and unchanged through all the competition.
The contestants must attend at the drawing of lots and the information briefing on September, 6th 2013.
The order of the pieces within the program is at the contestant choice.
The Organizing Committee of the Competition provides all the contestants with practice rooms and rehearsals on the stage where the auditions will take place. Before the Final Round, a 75-minutes rehearsal for solo program and a 40-minutes rehearsal with orchestra will be provided for each contestant allowed to the Final Round.
The Jury of the Competition has right to decide by the consent of all Jury members on reduction of the contestant program or on interruption of the contestant performance.
50% of the participants of the First Round but not more than 10 contestants will be allowed to the Second Round. Not more than 5 (five) participants will be allowed to the III (Final) Round.
The results will be announced immediately after each round.
The contestants are free to involve their own assistant (the Organizing Committee must be informed about by indicating this in the Application Form) or to perform with an assistant granted by the Organizing Committee (available for rehearsals and performances as well).
The Organizing Committee of the Competition announces the following prizes:
First prize – 200 000 rubles, the title of the Laureate of the Competition and solo recitals in Moscow conservatoire, Glinka-chapel (St. Petersburg), Chapel Taurian (St. Petersburg), Omsk philharmonic society and Perm philharmonic society in Russia
Second prize – 100 000 rubles and the title of the Laureate of the Competition
Third prize – 50 000 rubles and the title of the Laureate of the Competition
Two diplomas of 25 000 rubles each
The participants of the Second Round receive honorific mentions. The participants of the Final Round that are not prize-winners are awarded finalist diplomas.
All monetary prizes are paid in Russian rubles and are subject of taxation accordingly to the tax laws of the Russian Federation.
Additional prizes may be awarded with the approval of the Organizing Committee to the participants of the second and third rounds by governmental, non-governmental or commercial organizations, foundations, artistic unions, mass media and private individuals.
The Jury has the right:
not to award all the prizes;
to divide the awards except the first prize;
The decisions of the Jury are final and cannot be contested.
Financial conditions
The transportation, accommodation and alimentation expenses for the participants, their assistants and accompanying persons are covered by the contestants themselves or the represented organization.
There is also possibility for not Moscow residents to get the accommodation in guest-rooms. The number of places is limited. It’s necessary to inform competition secretary much in advance in case participant requires the place in guest-rooms.
Issuing invitations and visa support are provided by the Organizing Committee.
Once received the official notifications from the Organizing Committee the participants from abroad should contact the nearest Russian Embassy or Consulate to submit the visa processing. All visa expenses are paid by the contestants accordingly to the Russian Consulates requirements.
Special terms
The participants of the Competition do not receive any fee for their performance at the Competition or for the distribution of the recordings and broadcasts of these performances.
The Organizing Committee of the Competition has the exclusive rights on the audio and video records and broadcasts of the Competition auditions and the final concert of the laureates.
The Laureates of the Competition have to perform free of charge at the final concert of the Competition.
The participants of the Competition will be provided with practice rooms in the Moscow Conservatory in conformity with established order.
The Organizing Committee of the Competition will support the participants in searching for the scores of the compositions included in the Competition program.
The submission and entry into the Competition means an unconditional consent to all of above terms and conditions.
In case of any arguments concerning the interpretation of present terms and conditions of the Competition, the Russian version is to be considered principal.
Contact information
The Organizing Committee of the Third International Goedicke Organ Competition
Office for Festivals, Competitions and Special Events,
Administration for Special Creative Programs,
Art Department
Moscow State Conservatory P.Tchaikovsky
125009, Russia, Moscow, 13/6, Bolshaya Nikitskaya str.
Phone: +74956277274
E-mail: art-department@mail.ru
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